of placemaking.

Master Planning

This all-important first step entails gathering all the relevant information to a compelling vision of place – one that takes into consideration the needs of all stakeholders and assesses all the necessary site-related elements, so that they can be woven together harmoniously as part of an overarching plan is the classic “big picture” approach—mixing aspiration and pragmatism to create a blueprint to a future of place, in the form of a Master Plan.

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Urban Design

It is a detailed look at the various components of a site and its interactions in the physicality of the design that will impact the aesthetic, functionality, economic viability, social & cultural constructs, health & wellness of a people, and the legacy of place devoid of artifice and ego. By balancing all of a site’s needs within its context, informed placemaking opportunities present themselves so that meaningful and inspiring relationships can be created—connecting people with the built environment, nature, and the spaces in between with ease.

Landscape Architecture

This is the designing of the living and built environments to create the sensory and textural interactions that connect people to place. Landscape Architecture is the physical creation of outdoor spaces, which balances that natural and the built through a placemaking process that takes a holistic approach to the overall site design.

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